James Kathleen


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Hollie + Scott [ Wedding ]

At last! I am doing a blog post. It's not that I don't have anything to post, it's more so the fact that I have so much to do and catch up on that I can't find time to sit and write up a blog post. I apologize to those who continuously check up on my page, but thank you for stopping by day to day. I hope that I can have more for you to look at in the future. 

 In October, I had the wonderful opportunity to capture my cousin Hollie's wedding day. I was so honored to be able to do this and so thankful for everything I have learned from it. So thank you Scott + Hollie! It poured all morning, but when the boys showed up it cleared up for enough time to get the pictures done. We started at Hollie's parent's house and then headed over to the McPherson Mansion, before ending up at the church. We debated not going into town, but I am happy we didn't skip out on the mansion because those are some of my favorite shots. 

This being my first wedding, I would love to hear what you have to say! Feel free to leave a comment, as any feedback is appreciated:)

 I wish you the best, Scott and Hollie, as you begin these wedded years together! :)

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  1. Love them! I really like how you took a pic of the house, it's a picture worth thousands of words to Hollie being that is the place she grew up.

  2. I love all of them! Darling wedding :)

  3. Wow so beautiful! Great work.

  4. I love them all!! Gorgeous wedding and people, and you captured that all so well :) Love how you can feel the emotion through the pictures! Great work!
